The Path Forward – Ill. Bro. Gail N. Kemp, 33° Scottish Rite, NMJ, USA

At the Annual Session of Supreme Council on Friday, September 14th, we welcomed a very special guest speaker - Ill. Bro. Gail N. Kemp 33º.

As part of the General Session on Friday morning, Gail presented the ‘The Path Forward’ initiative undertaken by the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the AASR in the United States. This presentation focuses on the results from a comprehensive survey of both Scottish Rite members and non-members across the United States. This ties in with the ‘Not Just a Man. A Mason.’ initiative, also created by the NMJ but focused solely on branding and marketing Craft Lodge Freemasonry.

This program has been made available to Grand Lodges in Canada and the USA. The data obtained from the NMJ survey allows us to chart a path forward for the good of Freemasonry in general, and by extension for Scottish Rite.

Gail Kemp is no stranger to many of our members, having attended our Annual Sessions for the past number of years as a representative of the NMJ. A resident of Huntingburg, Indiana - where he served as Mayor for 12 years - Gail is also a Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Indiana. Elected as an Active Member of Supreme Council in 2001, he has served on a variety of committees and held the offices of both Deputy for Indiana and Grand Lieutenant Commander. He continues to serve Scottish Rite as the liaison responsible for the presentation and promotion of the Path Forward initiative

Posted in Announcements, Events, Members, News, Scottish Rite Valley, Supreme Council Session, Video | 4 Comments

Early “Scots Masonry” and the Scottish Rite – Arturo de Hoyos, 33°

Guest speaker Arturo de Hoyos, 33°, Grand Cross, Grand Archivist and Grand Historian, Supreme Council, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction, lecture entitled Early "Scots Masonry" and the Scottish Rite at the 143 Annual Session of Supreme Council 33º of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada

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Scottish Rite Youth Leadership Training Awards

DeMolay Ontario

Annually the Scottish Rite of Canada offers three $500 Scholarships to assist the members of DeMolay Canada in attending the DeMolay Leadership Training Course of their choice. Distribution of the awards are as follows: 1 each for Western Canada (BC, Alberta and Manitoba), Central Canada (Ontario and Quebec), The Atlantic Provinces (New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia)

Any active member of DeMolay Canada may apply by submitting this online application. All applications must be entered before June 15, 2016. These awards are expected to reimburse costs and not pay in advance for attendance at the conference, proof of attendance may be required. Each Canadian DeMolay may submit one application only, duplicate applications will not be considered.

Selection committee is composed of members of the Board of Directors of DeMolay Canada and or Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite Freemasons of Canada. The decision of the Selection Committee is final.

Awards will be presented at the Annual Communication of the Supreme Council A&ASR of Canada in St. John’s NL. on September 16th for those not in attendance awards will be forwarded to local Executive Officers for suitable presentation at a later date.

Please note: This award is open to members of DeMolay Canada only all other entries will be deleted.

For more information and about this wonderful opportunity as well as the application form, please visit:

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“The Masonic Journey Continues” – New Membership Video

The Scottish Rite embarked formally on a course to strengthen the Valleys, and consequently the Rite, by introducing the initiatives of Leadership, Membership and Communications under the guidance of Past Sovereign Grand Commander Richard A.H. Brown, 33⁰. We are very pleased to announce the new Scottish Rite membership video called "The Masonic Journey Continues".

Welcome to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada.

Men who are received into Freemasonry may soon realize that being raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason is not the final destination of their personal Masonic journey. Freemasonry provides the opportunity for men of good character to become better: better contributing members of society, better husbands and fathers, better leaders, better friends and better neighbours.

Scottish Rite Freemasonry assists a Master Mason, who wishes to further examine Freemasonry, to continue his personal journey of exploration and contemplation on what it means to be a Freemason in today’s society. Scottish Rite Freemasonry provides the highway on which the Master Mason may travel throughout his lifetime.

The Scottish Rite is a system of Masonic degrees which elaborates and supplements the content of the three Craft degrees by ritual, dramas and allegory. It explores topics such as integrity, justice, brotherhood, duty, loyalty, generosity, toleration and commitment.
The history and philosophy of Masonry are developed in ceremony and drama. There is opportunity to read, to reflect and to respond - to acquire a deeper knowledge and understanding of Masonic ritual, values and symbolism.

This is the opportunity, the challenge and the reward, that the Scottish Rite presents to the Master Mason.

There are approximately 15,000 Scottish Rite Freemasons in 46 Valleys across Canada. The Scottish Rite seeks to develop in our members virtues and character which encourages men to improve their faculties for the good of the human race.

The Scottish Rite is comprised of three distinct bodies; Lodge of Perfection, Chapter of Rose Croix and the Consistory.

Lodges of Perfection confer the 4th to 14th degrees. It is to one of these lodges that a Master Mason applies for membership. The degrees continue the story of the building of King Solomon's Temple, and amplify and conclude the legend of the Master Mason degree.
Chapters of Rose Croix consist of the 15th to 18th degrees. The 15th and 16th degrees relate to the rebuilding of the Second Temple by Zerubbabel. The 17th degree is an approach to, and the 18th degree a recognition of the Christian ethic, but in universal terms, thus assisting in the building, in our hearts, of the Third Temple, not made with hands.

Consistories confer the 19th to the 32nd degrees. These degrees, often elaborate and highly dramatic, cover a variety of approaches to Masonic teaching. Some have the Crusades as a background. The 30th, 31st and 32nd degrees culminate the teachings of the Scottish Rite, and are conferred in full ritual form.

Application for membership in the Scottish Rite is open to members of any Canadian Craft Lodge who are Master Masons. Continued membership in a Craft Lodge is required to maintain membership in the Scottish Rite.

The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada (SRCF) has been funding medical research in universities and hospitals across Canada into ‘puzzles of the mind’, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neuro-degenerative ailments in the aging population and areas such as Dyslexia and Autism in children. Each year the SRCF donates approximately $400,000 to qualified researchers to continue their essential and worthwhile research across Canada.

In addition, the Foundation assists local organizations (Valleys) in starting Learning Centres for Dyslexic Children. These Centres provide free tutoring for children to help them overcome their reading difficulties and by training a growing cadre of highly skilled and dedicated tutors. Learning Centres have been licensed and are operational in Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Barrie (includes Bracebridge), London, Windsor, Moncton and Halifax.

If you are a Master Mason in good standing and seeking more knowledge of the mission and symbolism of Freemasonry, a more complete interpretation of the teachings of the Craft degrees, as well as participation in a very special Fellowship and Brotherhood, we encourage you to contact us by speaking to Scottish Rite members in your Lodge, or by visiting our website at or call the Supreme Council Office at 905-522-0033.

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Clarion Magazine 2016 – Online Edition

Clarion Magazine 2016 Cover

We are very proud to announce that the 2016 edition of Clarion Magazine has been uploaded to the website, click here to access the online PDF version.

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New Ottawa Valley Newsletter

The First Edition of the Valley of Ottawa "Around the Rite" Newsletter is in the Members Section under the "News" drop-down-menu.

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 Montreal Shriners Hospital

The new long awaited for Shriners Hospital for Children opened
in Montreal on Thurs. August 20, 2015.

Following are many of the Press and Television News Releases of the
Grand Opening.

Montreal CTV News                          Canada AM - CTV News
CBC News                                           Global TV News

Canadian Newswire                          Montreal Gazette
epaper Montreal Gazette                 Westmount Examiner
Globe And Mail

Shriners Canada Website               Shriners Twitter

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Inspiring Web Visit

Dale Allison Graham
Subject: Remarkable

Supreme Council
Good morning,

It is surprising what happens when you least expect it. After visiting the website I needed to pass on my appreciation.
Somehow, the website has learned the language of  'psyche' , 'thought' and 'emotion'. During my visit to the members area, I was moved by what I read and heard- insightful and artistic.
Rest assured, this was an uncommon, affirming experience. Whoever touched this work and brought it out, thank you. I am sincerely grateful and am not embarrassed to tell you it is inspiring.

Sincere and kindest regards,

Dale Graham
Owen Sound.

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The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada – 50th Anniversary

The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation - 50th Anniversary from ScottishRiteCharitableFoundation on Vimeo


The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada was established in 1964 "to promote charitable work within Canada including the relief of poverty and the advancement of education by making grants to educational or other charitable organization which carries on its work solely within Canada".

Since its inception, The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation has been funded entirely by donations and bequests from members, families and friends of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of Canada. Its inaugural donation was made to what was then known as the Canadian Association for Retarded Children specifically for the financing of a seminar to bring together leaders in the field of research in the problem of mental retardation, from across Canada and thus started the Foundation's 50 years of support for research into the "Puzzles of the Mind".

The Foundation ardently labours for the benefit of all Canadians, regardless of race or creed, with particular interest in funding medical research into areas including dyslexia and autism in children and neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease and dementia in the aging population. Each year, the Foundation donates more than $420,000 in research grants to universities and research hospitals across Canada with the aim of discovering the causes and cures for these "Puzzles of the Mind".

In addition, the Foundation supports its local Valleys to establish Learning Centres for Children with Dyslexia. The first Learning Centre opened in 2003 in London, Ontario, providing free, one-on-one tutoring to children with reading and comprehension difficulties associated with dyslexia. Now, with eight Learning Centres across Canada utilizing the Ortan-Gillingham method, The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation continues with its unique approach to freely helping children learn by tailoring to their individual needs.

Funding for The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation's honourable endeavours is provided by an established endowment built, managed and supported by Scottish Rite Masons, family and friends as well as the general public. With their mission to fulfill their belief in benevolence and sharing of what they have with their fellow humans in need, the demand for Foundation funding far outstrips its means. As such, you may have been asked by your Scottish Rite friend, "Will you help us solve the "Puzzles of the Mind" with a donation?" The Foundation's continued work and belief that the human mind is key to physical, mental and spiritual well-being is surely its lasting legacy.

Happy 50th Anniversary Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada! We are grateful for all of your efforts, compassion and energy that immensely impact the world, the community, and the mind.

For more info, please visit:

Produced by:

Copyright 2014 The Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada. All Rights Reserved.


Posted in Announcements, Members, News, Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation | 1 Comment

Scottish Rite Members Area Slideshow

If you are interested in viewing the instructional slideshow on how to register and log in to the members area of the website, please click on the link below to view:
Members Area

Posted in Announcements, Events, Members, Supreme Council Session | 3 Comments